Monday, March 10, 2008

A Preamble

The modern world, with all of its technology and its population, believes it is the current state of the natural evolution of man. First came the animals, then came Prehistoric Man, and with the advent of the Agricultural Revolution, a technological event, civilization began and spread, and as they say, the rest is history.

I contest this story is wrong, wrong on an unfathomable level. I call it a story, and mean it in every sense of the word. It is pure and rank mythology. The relevant event the story, the Agricultural Revolution, did not happen. There was a revolution, to be sure, but it was not technological, but cultural and spiritual. Also, this revolution was not something that happened to humanity in whole, as the story tells it. This was the revolution of a single culture, a very small portion of humanity, that spread worldwide, and due to its central beliefs and the actions guided by these beliefs, has, in essence, become humanity in whole. This is the basis of the myth, that our single, worldwide culture, is humanity itself.

This story, this mythology, is a tale that everyone knows, that everyone is familiar with. This is because it is embedded in every story told to us, every piece of news we hear, every lesson we learn in school. The revolution, though, was so successful, that this story, so ingrained into our worldwide culture, is unknown to almost everyone. It has become background noise. It is the low hum of the civilizational machine that we can no longer hear. It is the whisper of our nurturing cultural story, our Mother Culture, that is constantly telling us this mythology, and constantly reassuring us of its veracity.

To reiterate, the basis of the myth is that our worldwide culture is the current state of the natural evolution of man. When I say worldwide, I mean both the East and West, as they are commonly known. I do not view these two cultures as distinct, judging them by their differences, but I see them as a single culture, with a single ancestor, by judging them for their similarities. The myth continues by telling us that the first chapter of human evolution consisted of "primitive" cultures, while our "civilized" culture is the natural second chapter, explaining the remaining "primitive" cultures as nothing more than anachronisms.

Both of these concepts are blatantly wrong. They are simply elements of the mythology that is embedded into our worldview. Like I said, the "civilized" world evolved from one ancient culture that experienced a revolution. To have a revolution, one must revolt against something. What was revolted against was a worldview that every "primitive" human culture held, and still holds today: that man was made to live at the whim of nature, like every other creature ever to live on the planet. The rest of the revolution rests entirely on the belief that this is not true. Our worldwide culture holds as its most fundamental truth that man is above and better than nature, better than the animals, and should not live as they do, at nature's whim.

Upon hearing this, the majority of our culture will vigorously agree. This consensus is not an accident, this is not a coincidence. The reason you, and the vast majority of the human beings on the planet, believe this is because this is the story you've been told your entire life. From birth, to this day, you have been bombarded with this message. This is the mythology your parents were told, the story your grandparents were told, and this is the cultural revolution that the past 500 or so generations of our entire culture were told, and believed. It is the story you will tell your children, your children will tell your grandchildren, and so on, unless, of course, you discover and learn otherwise, which is my goal.

The reason this is my stated goal is because the story being told is destroying the planet. Not only does this mythology account for the ecological destruction we have been causing to the world, it can and will be shown that this cultural story that is told worldwide is designed to systematically destroy all life on this planet. I understand that this is an audacious statement, and requires great and deep justification, therefore it should be simple to understand that I would not make it if I didn't have such information.

All this being said, I will give you the same invitation that was given to me:

Teacher Seeks Pupil.
Must have eager desire to save the world.
Apply in person.

1 comment:

heydebhenry said...

The Human Zoo: A Zoologist's Study of the Urban Animal - Desmond Morris